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{% set baseFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set headerFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* This affects only headers on the site. Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set textColor = "#565656" %} /* This sets the universal color of dark text on the site */

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{% set baseFontWeight = "normal" %} /* More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set headerFontWeight = "normal" %} /* For Headers; More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

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After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

How A Wireless LAN Can Help Improve Any Small Business

by Picture of John Ciarlone John Ciarlone on October 29, 2013

vwlan Copper wire has had a good run, but after 150 years, distributed wireless LANs are now quickly becoming the new standard in internal business communications. Wireless network solutions finally offer something that's simply better than the old landline networks.

A virtualized wireless LAN (vWLAN) brings better security, improved experiences, and lowered costs.   With adoption rates continue to accelerate worldwide, it's looking like old client-server wired networks can't compete any more.

 Short on Time? Download our Free Guide Benefits of vWLAN vs. WLAN explained

Five Reasons That Physical Networks Are Going Extinct

I. Virtual Security Keeps Your Wireless LAN Safe

The biggest drawback to wired networks is their inherent security holes. The process of logging in requires someone to be let partially onto the network while their credentials are checked, making it easier for online attackers to gain access.

A distributed wireless LAN utilizes a universal security system – every device from the Access Point upwards shares the same security policies, allowing each piece of hardware to lock out unauthorized access immediately.

BYODII. Universal Device Access Encourages BYOD

As Internet-capable smart devices have exploded across the world, people are coming to expect their personal devices be able to connect to the local network. A distributed LAN with smart access points creates strong security that's still easy to manage. Ubiquitous security standards with across-the-board data encryption keep your users within their approved access levels.

The direct benefits to your bottom line are twofold: First, it means your employees are always working on the devices they're familiar with. The direct productivity boosts from that are obvious, cutting both your hardware and support budgets.

III. WiFi Attracts Repeat Business.

With more and more people wandering the streets, barely looking up from their various devices, offering wireless Internet access makes for an easy way to draw in extra business. More importantly, however, it gives them a reason to come back.

“What's nearby that has WiFi??” is becoming a question people are asking more and more often. With cell phone data fees remaining high, A wireless LAN gives them a solid reason to come back again and again. If few other businesses near yours offers wireless access either, you'll get a big jump on them – once someone knows one place in an area that's WiFi, they tend to stick with it.

It's an easy way to add value your products and services that doesn't add much overhead.

IV. Wire Ties Your Employees To One PlaceWireless LAN

Virtual office environments are becoming an attractive option for many businesses, given the overhead associated with physical assets today. A unified communications system with a wireless backbone grants your employees the ability to work wherever they need to, or wherever they want to.

Remote connections can still interact in real-time with any office, with minimal lag. Voice and videoconferencing are universal, along with global file access to facilitate document collaboration. Call centers can be taken entirely into the Cloud, eliminating the large physical demands of such buildings.

V. Oversee Your Network From A Single Terminal

All this is controlled through a single standardized interface, accessible from nearly all smart devices, from anywhere with WiFi, on-site or off. Modern network operating systems bring the same ease-of-use you expect from a Windows application. Your administrator gets a complete admin-level overview of the network, coupled with real time updates on its status.

Should any suspicious behavior or attempted breach occur, the network can immediately alert them via a variety of media, even as it continues to work on keeping attackers out.

Wireless Is The New Backbone For 21st Century Communications

A modern distributed wireless network environment is quickly overtaking old server/client networks around the world for a reason. Wireless LANs open up plenty of new business opportunities, while cutting expenses, while also improving productivity in virtually every area of a business.

To find out more, just let us know where your business is headed. We'll put together a communications framework that will pave the way.


Topics: Wireless

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