Services Blog- Hummingbird Networks

Four Winning New Year's IT Resolutions For 2019

Written by Jason Blalock | Jan 10, 2019 2:10:00 PM

It's a new year, and a great time to start planning how you're going to improve your information systems, network security, and other aspects of IT in the year ahead.  There have been a lot of exciting developments in new technology in the past year, as well as some very disturbing trends on the security front.  Keeping yourself modernized is the best way to keep your employees and customers happy... while keeping the hackers out.

If you're looking for some suggestions, here are the IT-related resolutions that will help you make your information systems even better in the year to come.

Four Great Resolutions To Improve Your Information Systems In 2019

1 - Resolve to improve our Internet connectivity.

Unless you've already upgraded your Internet in the past year, you could probably make it better, faster or more reliable.  Just as a few suggestions on this front:

  • Upgrade your overall connection speeds.  Data usage is constantly growing!  Even small businesses can make use of a 10Gbps connection at this point, and many medium-scale operations are seeing the wisdom of 40Gbps.
  • Install new 802.11ac Wave 2 WiFi access points.  The tech is robust and affordable now.  802.11ac Wave 2 offers high speeds to users, and much better connection stability in high-density radio environments.
  • Consider an upgrade to 802.11ax (aka WiFi 6).  It's the latest new standard, and upgrading now means you'll be ready when WiFi 6 features start hitting consumer devices later this year.  If you already attract a tech-focused crowd, WiFi 6 support could really impress them!
  • Get a WiFi Site Survey to improve your physical coverage area and eliminate gaps in reception 

2 - Resolve to get a live security penetration test.

Sure, you undoubtedly have spent time and money setting up security measures in your IT systems...  but have they ever actually been put to the test?  Do you have any way of knowing whether they could genuinely stop an attack?

A live penetration test is the solution.  "White hat" security experts test your security systems using the same tools that hackers and cybercriminals use.  Except rather than stealing your data (or worse), they give you a full report on how robust your security is along with suggestions for improvement.

Without having periodic penetration tests, you are only guessing at the effectiveness of your security systems.  Speaking of which...

3 - Resolve to improve my human security.

When is the last time your workforce - your entire workforce - has been briefed on security?  Human error is a contributing factor in the vast majority of successful cybercrime.  Simply put, your workforce is your weakest security link.  They need plenty of training to recognize attempts at security subversion, backed up by clearly-defined procedures for how to behave if they think they've spotted suspicious activity.

A social engineering assessment is a great way to test their knowledge, and learn where to focus your training efforts.

4 - Resolve to upgrade my communications systems

Are you looking to abandon your landline phones in favor of VoIP?  Are you starting to wish you had videoconferencing capabilities?  Both of these options are readily available, and can be surprisingly affordable!  Moving to VoIP means never paying long distance bills again, while videoconferencing can completely change how your employees interact with each other.

Look into whether your business is ready for a Unified Communications system.  It can significantly overhaul and streamline communications across your entire company.


No matter how your company wants to improve your IT offerings, Hummingbird Networks can make it happen.  Contact us today for a free consultation on your upgrade options!